Pimento Cheese, Not Your Grandma's Spread

Pimento cheese is one of those foods that has been so corrupted by the food industry that it has become synonymous with other crappy foods like Spam.  I'm not even certain what store bought pimento cheese might contain, nor do I want to find out.  It's a shame because pimento cheese can be a delightful treat, even if it does Read the full post…

Plum Good BBQ Sandwiches

In a few days it will officially be fall but the temperatures are still warm enough for me to continue swimming for a few more days.  The breeze was a little cool but that didn't stop me from swimming several laps this morning and I felt great afterwards!  Have you exercised lately?  With fall's cooler temperatures and fewer insects, you Read the full post…

Shingles Vacine and Treatment

A friend of mine was recently diagnosed with shingles so I felt I should discuss this nasty virus once again.  If you ever had chicken pox, you are at risk for getting shingles and believe me, you don't want it.  Shingles is a painful rash with blisters that scab over and may take 4 weeks or more to heal.  The Read the full post…

Vegetarian Tacos are muy delicioso!

There are times when I think I could easily become a vegetarian, especially when I try a new dish that is as good as the vegetarian tacos I had at Local Lime restaurant in Little Rock and the tofu fried rice at Sai Tai here in Jonesboro.  My husband and I celebrated our 23rd anniversary this past weekend by spending Read the full post…

Midyear Health Check

Summer is winding down , the year is more than half way over and our January resolutions are long forgotten.  It's time for a health reality check.  First of all, how is your health lately?  If you have enjoyed good health, are you thankful?  Take some time to appreciate how wonderful it feels to be healthy, for your family to Read the full post…

Vacation Lessons For A Healthier Life

  I'm back from a lovely beach vacation and I wish I was still there with all my heart.  Wouldn't it be nice if our every day life was as nice as a vacation?  If we could relax, eat well, sleep and exercise just enough without having to worry about bills, work, illnesses and school, our lives would be perfect.  But Read the full post…

BLT Pasta

[ Post by Lisa Tedder ][ Post on July 30, 2013 ][ In Pasta, Pork ]

I keep trying to show that you can eat a mostly healthy diet but still have foods that taste good.  You can tweak recipes to make them healthier or if you know something is pretty bad for you, just don’t eat it very often.  I don’t think anyone would seriously claim that bacon is good for you with all it’s fat and salt content but I do love some good bacon.  We do eat bacon once in awhile; maybe a couple of times a month.  There is nothing better than to pair bacon with good, homegrown, heirloom tomatoes in a BLT.  On Christmas morning, we have brown sugar bacon as a special treat.  And those naughty folks at the Hoggin It All Barbecue stand at the ASU Farmer’s market certainly have me addicted to their bacon, egg and jalapeño jelly biscuits.


I am also a fan of quick to prepare foods as I realize most folks just aren’t going to take much time in the kitchen.  I came up with a dish that uses bacon, adds some needed vegetables and cooks up in no time.

Quick – check

Easy – check

Good tasting – check

Healthy – reasonably but not totally

Three out of four requirements isn’t bad.

BLT Pasta

6 to 8 slices good bacon, look for Petit Jean and get some that is as lean as you can get it

12 oz. pasta, extra healthy points if you use whole wheat but also try Barilla’s white wheat for more fiber

1 pint grape tomatoes

1 bunch asparagus, snapped into pieces

olive oil

red pepper flakes

Heat oven to 425.  Grease a cookie sheet and place tomatoes and asparagus on sheet.


Roast vegetables until starting to brown and shrivel a bit.  While veggies roast, chop bacon into bite sized pieces and fry until nice and brown.


Drain on paper towels.  Heat water in a large pot and cook pasta according to package directions.  Drain and return pasta to pot.  Add bacon and roasted vegetables.  Drizzle with 2 to 3 Tbsp. of olive oil and add 1 tsp. red pepper flakes.  Cut back on the red pepper if that is too hot for you.  Toss gently and serve.


You could add some chopped fresh basil to this or experiment with other fresh vegetables like zucchini.  I guess I should really call this BAT pasta since there is no lettuce in it but that doesn’t sound too appetizing.  Whip this up soon and let me know if it didn’t hit the spot.

Upadated on July 30, 2013

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