Pimento Cheese, Not Your Grandma's Spread

Pimento cheese is one of those foods that has been so corrupted by the food industry that it has become synonymous with other crappy foods like Spam.  I'm not even certain what store bought pimento cheese might contain, nor do I want to find out.  It's a shame because pimento cheese can be a delightful treat, even if it does Read the full post…

Plum Good BBQ Sandwiches

In a few days it will officially be fall but the temperatures are still warm enough for me to continue swimming for a few more days.  The breeze was a little cool but that didn't stop me from swimming several laps this morning and I felt great afterwards!  Have you exercised lately?  With fall's cooler temperatures and fewer insects, you Read the full post…

Shingles Vacine and Treatment

A friend of mine was recently diagnosed with shingles so I felt I should discuss this nasty virus once again.  If you ever had chicken pox, you are at risk for getting shingles and believe me, you don't want it.  Shingles is a painful rash with blisters that scab over and may take 4 weeks or more to heal.  The Read the full post…

Vegetarian Tacos are muy delicioso!

There are times when I think I could easily become a vegetarian, especially when I try a new dish that is as good as the vegetarian tacos I had at Local Lime restaurant in Little Rock and the tofu fried rice at Sai Tai here in Jonesboro.  My husband and I celebrated our 23rd anniversary this past weekend by spending Read the full post…

Midyear Health Check

Summer is winding down , the year is more than half way over and our January resolutions are long forgotten.  It's time for a health reality check.  First of all, how is your health lately?  If you have enjoyed good health, are you thankful?  Take some time to appreciate how wonderful it feels to be healthy, for your family to Read the full post…

Vacation Lessons For A Healthier Life

  I'm back from a lovely beach vacation and I wish I was still there with all my heart.  Wouldn't it be nice if our every day life was as nice as a vacation?  If we could relax, eat well, sleep and exercise just enough without having to worry about bills, work, illnesses and school, our lives would be perfect.  But Read the full post…

Most Americans don’t come anywhere near getting enough fiber in their diet. Take it from someone who knows, not getting enough fiber can have unpleasant consequences. We simply don’t eat plain fruits, vegetables and whole grains like we did when our grandparents all had gardens. Lack of fiber shows up as constipation and contributes to various cancers. Makes you want to reach for that stalk of broccoli or eat a can of beans, doesn’t it?

I always try to include plenty of fibrous foods in our weekly menu. Yes, my kids do eat cabbage, broccoli, beans and brussel sprouts. They may not rave or ask for second helpings but they understand the importance of eating fresh fruits and vegetables.

I also look for convenience foods that contain extra fiber and I am happy to recommend Fiber One products. They not only taste good but some contain as much as 35% of your daily value of fiber. Fiber One has yogurt, cottage cheese, several cereals, pancake and muffin mix and granola bars. I have tried most of them and my whole family likes them. I particularly like Fiber One granola bars as I consider most granola bars to be no better than candy bars. I can feel good about my kids snacking on them. I also really like the apple cinnamon muffin mix and the pancake mix. Check on bettycrocker.com for coupons for Fiber One products.

In the mean time, try harder to add fruits and vegetables to your daily life and don’t rely just on convenience products. Eat an apple or try the broccoli recipe that follows. It’s my husband’s favorite way to eat broccoli.

Broccoli with Bread Crumbs and Garlic
One package broccoli florets
One garlic clove, minced or one tsp. of the jarred minced garlic.
1/3 to 1/2 cup seasoned bread crumbs
2 tbsp olive oil
salt & pepper to taste
Steam broccoli till tender & drain. Heat olive oil in a skillet & add broccoli. Saute till broccoli begins to brown. Add garlic the last 3 or 4 minutes of cooking & sprinkle with bread crumbs, tossing to coat. Salt & pepper, then serve. Delicious!

Upadated on April 18, 2009

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